
Information Letter EG-Dual-Use-Regulation

The delegated council regulation (EU) 2015/2420 dated 12th October 2015, for the control of the export of dual-use-goods and technologies – the so called “EC-Dual-Use-Regulation”, was issued on 5th March 2016. The regulation came into force on 25th December 2015.

As far as we know actual, our standard catalogue items are not listed in the regulation (EG) No. 2015/2420. But very often we do not know the applications our products are used in.
For further questions please contact directly the BAFA

Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle
Frankfurter Straße 29-35
65760 Eschborn

For special cases we could ask the BAFA concerning the relevant items. The answer will usually take 10 – 12 weeks and the cost will be charged.
Kind regards,

RK Rose+Krieger GmbH
Connecting and Positioning Systems

Björn Riechers                                Kai G. Liesendahl
General Manager                              Sales Director